
At Seabreeze Gallery it's all about creating beautiful things - paintings, artifacts for the home, jewellery, with a sprinkling of other interesting things.... whatever inspires and is enjoyed.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Chapter

It is a little sad, but I shall be finishing the blogs now ..... due to a change in circumstances. A move from the present home address is imminent, and I really don't know where I will be living. Also, a visit to the other side of Australia is in the pipeline for next month.

During the time of blogging - one year now, all the readers and those who have communicated via comments, have given me much enjoyment. Thankyou all, very much for your kind support and generosity of sharing..... ciao Alice :)


  1. che sorpresa!!! i cambiamenti sono faticosi ma ti auguro un buon nuovo capitolo, e se ti capita ogni tanto passa nel mio blog, mi fa piacere.
    Qui tra poco si festeggia la Pasqua... un immenso augurio di Pace giunga a te...
    Ciao Graziano

  2. I will miss your blog. Your paintings are beautiful and fun. I know life changes and so I wish you the best on your new journey. Hugs

  3. Alice, it was so nice to meet you and to see many lovely paintings! Thank you for your kindness.

  4. Much success and happiness in your new phase of life.
    His comments were always very stimulating.
    I hope to continue their artistic production because you are very talented.
    Cheers, hugs from Brazil

  5. To Graziano, Linda, Paula and Antonio ..... thankyou so much for all your good wishes and friendship ..... Alice x x x x :)

  6. Be well, my blog friend. I'll miss your paintings. Enjoy your next adventure.
    Peace, Bella

  7. Still miss having you around Alice. Hope to see you back here one day soon. ~X~
