
At Seabreeze Gallery it's all about creating beautiful things - paintings, artifacts for the home, jewellery, with a sprinkling of other interesting things.... whatever inspires and is enjoyed.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Little Boxes

Beautiful, handcrafted trinket boxes from India. Two small oval containers are made of silver with mother of pearl tops painted with tiny birds. 3 cm wide. The rectangular box is carved from stone - a type of granite or feldspar, with a lid, intricately inlaid with pearl shell, on different angles, so as it shines in different colours, while under the same light. 1.1/2" wide.
I've treasured these tiny artifacts since returning from India in 1985.


  1. carini questi gingilli, sono vere e proprie opere d'arte. Un bacio

  2. Ciao Carla and Graziella ..... thankyou for visiting and the nice comments. :)

  3. I have been so busy with classes and volunteering lately that I've not had a lot of time checking into blogs I love. This entry of yours caught my eye (along with the red-headed lady painting!). Maybe it's a senior moment, but I don't remember you mentioning India before. I lived in India in 1965 and left a piece of my heart there..... What did you do in India? Where were you? Also, worried (of course) after hearing about fires near Perth.....

  4. Hi Bella .... lovely to hear from you ... thankyou for visiting. I had the opportunity to visit India with a Sahaja Yoga group in 85 and also 86, for 6 weeks each time. It was an unforgettable experience .... so wonderful, and yes I too, have it in my heart forever.
    We travelled with a large group of others from around the world, in the state of Maharastra - visiting towns and country areas.
    There is so much devastation in places at the moment .... the weather has fanned bush fires in the outer suburbs of Perth, yesterday and today it was worse, many homes lost. I live in a coastal suburb on the other side of the city - north side, so all safe here. Your kind caring is much appreciated.
    All the best wishes for your work ... also have seen the astonishing TV pictures of all the snow and very cold temperatures covering north America this week.

  5. Stay safe, Alice! I know how horrible our fires were last year, and how frightening. Of all the disasters, fire scares me more than others.
    I can look at your lovely artwork and the world just "goes away." Thanks!
