
At Seabreeze Gallery it's all about creating beautiful things - paintings, artifacts for the home, jewellery, with a sprinkling of other interesting things.... whatever inspires and is enjoyed.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Portrait of a Salesman

As all artists know, sometimes it's not exactly clear as to the desired direction of a painting. This was one of those. I spent around half an hour one day, 15 minutes, the next ....left it for a week, then returned and did it all over again. So it sort of evolved over time to the point of satisfaction, where I felt it described adequately what I felt was the nature of this man - according to my experience. Then he needed a name ......
Oil on board 16" x 18"


  1. beh..sai fare proprio di tutto.complimenti ALICE.
    bUON ANNO 2011

  2. I guess he is a figment of your imagination Alice. He looks a little apprehensive, and has bags under his eyes. trust you to paint his lips green!

  3. Thankyou Carla ..... there are some things I wish I could do.... :)

    Hi Frank.... your comment made me smile .... I think this mister has good reason to feel a little apprehensive - something dodgy is going on because he's not showing his true colours ! Maybe he's also loosing some sleep over it too ! :)
