
At Seabreeze Gallery it's all about creating beautiful things - paintings, artifacts for the home, jewellery, with a sprinkling of other interesting things.... whatever inspires and is enjoyed.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Meadow Street

A winter street scene in the oldest suburb of the city - guildford. The house with two chimneys is one of the first pioneer brick homes. At the end, next to it, stands an old hotel. The tall trees are cape lilacs, showing orange berries, and ivy has grown almost to the top of one.
Ability with perspective has never been a strong point, but with this short distance, I could manage it well enough. Oil on canvas over board 24" x 36"- 61cm x 92cm.


  1. Congratulations for this great work. The perspective works fine. I like also the color of the sky.
    Best regards

  2. Hello Alice,
    what a beautiful landscape! Are you able to paint with bright colors without losing the Impressionists.

  3. Ciao Alice, bello!!! Nice piece!

  4. Hi Alice,this painting is very nice.love the way you captured the lights.great. ben

  5. Thankyou very much - Manuel, Antonio, Graziano and Ben ..... for your kind comments. :)
